Thursday, September 9, 2010

Celebrating and Big Changes

What is worth celebrating you ask?  How about hitting 100lbs!!!!!!  As of today I officially weigh 192lbs.  Ok, that is MORE than 100lbs, 103 to be exact, but how exciting is that?  The weight-loss has really slowed down now, but still almost 8 months out I feel like a new woman.  

How about some before and after pictures to show you how different 7 months have made me...


WOW!  So this is OBVIOUSLY something that needs celebrating.   My Girlfriend made me a deal before I had surgery that when I lost 100lbs she would take me to get a facial.  Guess what I'm doing next week!  Thanks Alex!  You are the best girlfriend ever!

A while back I mentioned that my hair was also falling out, well I decided that it was time to do something about that.  ESPECIALLY since it was effecting Luna, my kitty man.  He eats the hair and it goes through his digestive tract leaving hair sticking out of his bum with little pieces of poop stuck to it....NOT FUN!  I decided it was time to do something drastic...


YUP!  I decided to have a glass of wine!  How drastic right?!?!  

Nah, I chopped off my hair today.  Here is a before and after with a picture from last night and another with my best friend Jeff who I've known since I was 14, and who is also my hairdresser.


So there you have it.  My weight has fallen off and now my hair has too!  :-)  Let me know what you think about the new look.  I have to say, I'm totally loving it!  You know that there will be more and more pictures as time goes on so keep coming back to see some more.  I'll be making sure I'm checking in more too.


Angela said...

Congrats on your success! and the great new haircut.

You might appreciate some of my musings about my own haircut, especially the part about what you are leaving behind with the old hair: Cutting It

I haven't seen you in forever! Obvy things are going well. :)

Rae said...

Awesome Lindsay!!!! I'm loving the hair! What a great picture of you and Jeff. I love you both :)

GTCv Deimos said...

weeks later: why was I thinking that you were drinking whisky in that pic? That would knock you on your ass... for like... 30 seconds and/or before you go to the bathroom!

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