Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Changed for Good

110lbs Lost!  Can you believe it?  110lbs!  That is equivalent to my little sister....MORE than my little sister in fact!

I have been so amazed by this process and wouldn't change anything about it.  Sure the staples hurt at the beginning, but I feel like a new me!  Or rather like the REAL me has finally come out!

To celebrate my weight loss, well, not to celebrate my weight loss but I see it as a celebration, Alex and I went to see WICKED, the musical last week with 18 of our friends.  If you haven't seen the show you really need to, it's fantastic.  After the show Alex had gotten us a backstage tour which I was so excited for.  So, after the show, we all hang out waiting for the stage manager to come and get us, and when he shows up only Alex and I can go on stage.  I felt bad for everyone else, but Alex was the one with the contact, I guess 20 people is just too much. (What do I know right?) We go onstage....side note...we are at the Boston Opera House which is the most beautiful theater in Boston, in my opinion. 

While up there, I realize that all of my friends have their cameras out and are sitting in the front rows.  Weird, but I would be taking pictures of my friends onstage too so not THAT weird.  Well...after a few moments of taking it all in, Alex says to me "So hun, this is the moment.  This is the moment that I give myself to you officially."  It clicked...


On stage, at the Boston Opera House (the most beautiful theater in Boston, in my opinion), at WICKED (one of my two favorite shows of all time...which is about Witches!)  "Are you shitting me" was all I could say.
In the end, I said yes!  (duh) and she gave me a ring that screamed me, with Alexandrite and diamonds., Gratuitous picture of my beautiful ring will be here soon.

I'll post the video that was taken at the end of the post.  So what a year this has been.  It started with surgery, followed by my 30th birthday, being accepted as "Fresh-Meat" into the Central Mass Roller Derby League (that's a whole different post for later), and now being engaged.  The 10 months of 2010 have really been the best in my adult life, even with the surgery.  Because of it, I've made some new friends, and gotten a whole new lease on the life I was always meant to have.  I would say that this surgery was the best decision of my adult life.  I have definitely been changed for good!


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