Monday, February 22, 2010


WOW!  I don't even know where to begin with this post.  Today was a horrible day!  Let's start at the beginning.

I went to work, as I have been everyday.  I've been feeling really fantastic, today I was tired, but otherwise it was no exception.  At 11am I had about 1/4th of a cup of cottage cheese.  I've been eating cottage cheese daily and having no issue at all. 

So, the day goes on and at about 2:30pm I was helping out the weather kids in the control room, the shoot was going really quite well, and all of a sudden a pain shot through my system.  It buckled me immediately so I excused myself and ran to the bathroom.  I thought that I was having gas pains, so the bathroom made the most sense.  After about 5 minutes of sitting with nothing going on, not even passing any gas, I decided it was useless sitting in the gross school bathroom and headed back to the studio.  I told my boss what was going on, went into my office, shut the door and curled up in a ball on the floor. 

Before I go any farther, I need to explain the pain.   It didn't feel like I was being stabbed or anything, I had an intense pressure, like something was sitting on top of my stomach inside me.  Almost like my stomach was in a vice....I couldn't curl up without being in pain...but I also couldn't straighten up.  All in all it was a pretty horrific feeling.

So, after I ignored one of my members knocking on my office door, I realized that being on the floor wasn't helping me any.  It was time for more drastic measures.  I got up, as best as I could, and headed for the bathroom in our office.  By now I was convinced that a piece of cottage cheese had gotten lodged into my new stomach/intestinal area.  I went into the newly cleaned "bathroom" that is in our office space.  It is never used so I know that it would still be clean.  I closed to door and wound up the courage to make myself throw up.  (I HATE throwing up.  But if something was stuck, it needed to come out).  Nothing....not even bile, which is the weirdest thing in the whole world.

After laying on the floor for what felt like an eternity.  I realized that the pain wasn't as horrible as it was.  I ran into see my boss, told him I was going home, and promised to call him when I got there. 

The pain is gone...but I have a severe ache...kind of like when you can feel a horrible migraine coming on.  The calm before the storm.  Unfortunately I still feel horrible 6 and a half hours later.  I called my Doctor and unfortunately they couldn't get a hold of him.  They told me to call in the morning if I still didn't feel well, and to go to the emergency room if the pain came back.  I'll keep you posted....


Unknown said...

I don't know if throwing up is the best thing for your newly stomach. If you are ever worried about a compication that may have your doctor! I know they couldn't reach him but there should always be someone you can talk to about this. Hope you are feeling better!

Anonymous said...

Ditto Melissa's comment. Lindsey this nothing to fool with. You need to get checked...go tomorrow morning no matter how you feel. It is better that he say "all is well" than "you should have come in". Please take care of yourself.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry you are not feeling well. I hate when people can't contact their doctor when they need them the most. If you felt it was best to throw up you did the right thing. I know the feeling of having pains and wanted to curl up but for other reasons. Hope everything turns out okay.
Susan N.

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