Friday, February 26, 2010

PAIN!!!! Updates

If you read my last post you know about some pain that I was experiencing on Monday.  I stayed home on Tuesday and talked to my Dr.  They basically asked if I was ok and suggested that I come in immediately if the pain returns.  Well, it didn't on Tuesday.

Wednesday night, really Thursday morning, at 4:15 am I was woken up with another pain in my abdomen.  Again the pain lasted for a full hour and it basically crippled me in my bed.  Alex was freaking out.  I called out of work and again called my Dr.s office.  With my luck, Monday's and Thursday's are typically my Dr.'s Surgery dates so they asked me to go get some blood work done.  The idea is this, it can be one of a few things causing the pain. 

#1: Constipation
#2  Killer Gas
#3  My Gall Bladder failing

The hope is obviously 1 or 2.  Admittedly 3 scares the hell out of me.  So the blood tests were done in order to test my gall bladder.  Depending on those results I'll have to have a Gall Bladder ultrasound. 

Until then, I am on a clear liquid diet for 48 hours.  Just when I was getting to eat new foods my system freaks out.  I'm hoping that this was all just horrible gas and that was it but again, I'll keep you posted.

UPDATE on the update!!!!!

Good news.  Just got my blood work results back from my Dr. and everything looks normal so the problem is not my Gall Bladder.  WOHOO! 


Alex said...


I *heart* you,

Beth said...

Your toothpicker hopes that you are alright and looks forward to the next time I see you. Heard that you were loooooookkkkkkkin good.

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